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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
How to Use French Punctuation
Instructions to Use French Punctuation Albeit French and English utilize about the entirety of a similar accentuation denotes, a portion of their uses in the two dialects are impressively unique. As opposed to a clarification of the guidelines of French and English accentuation, this exercise is a basic outline of how French accentuation varies from English. One-Part Punctuation Marks These are fundamentally the same as in French and English, with a couple of special cases. Period or Le Point . In French, the period isn't utilized after shortenings of measurement:â 25 m (mã ¨tres), 12 min (minutes), etc.It can be utilized to isolate the components of a date:â 10 septembre 1973 10.9.1973.When composing numbers, either a period or a space might be utilized to isolate each three digits (where a comma would be utilized in English):â 1,000,000 (English) 1.000.000 or 1 000 000.Its not used to show a decimal point (see virgule 1). Commas , In French, the comma is utilized as a decimal point:â 2.5 (English) 2,5 (French).Its not used to isolate three digits (see point 3).Whereas in English, the sequential comma (the one preceding and in a rundown) is discretionary, it can't be utilized in French: Jai achetã © un livre, deux stylos et du papier. Not Jai achetã © un livre, deux stylos, et du papier. Note: Whenâ writing numerals, the period and comma are alternate extremes in the two languages:â French English 2,5 (deux virgule cinq)2.500 (deux mille cinq pennies) 2.5 (two point five)2,500 (2,000 500) Two-Part Punctuation Marks In French, a space is required both when every one of the (at least two) section accentuation imprints and images, including : ;  «  » ! ? % $ #. Colon or Les Deux-Points : The colon is significantly more typical in French than in English. It might present direct discourse; a reference; or the clarification, end, outline, and so on of whatever goes before it. Jean a dit :  « Je veux le faire.  » Jean stated, I need to do it.Ce film est trã ¨s intã ©ressant : cest un classique. This film is intriguing: its a work of art.  «  » Les Guillemets and - Le Tiret and ... Les Points de Suspension Quotes (reversed commas) dont exist in French; the guillemets  «  » are used.â Note that these are real images; they are not only two point sections composed together . In the event that you dont realize how to type guillemets, see thisâ page on composing complements. Guillemets are generally utilized distinctly toward the start and end of a whole discussion. Not at all like in English, where any non-discourse is found outside of the quotes, in French guillemets don't end when a coincidental condition (he stated, she grinned, and so forth.) is included. To show that a renewed individual is talking, atiret (m-run or em-run) is included. In English, an interference or trailing off of discourse can be demonstrated with either atiret or des focuses de suspension (ellipsis). In French, just the last is utilized.  « Salut Jeanne ! dit Pierre. Remark vas-tu ? Greetings Jean! Pierre says. How right? - Ah, salut Pierre ! crie Jeanne. Goodness, howdy Pierre! yells Jeanne. - As-tu passã © un bon end of the week ? Did you have a decent end of the week? - Oui, merci, rã ©pond-elle. Mais... Truly, much appreciated, she reacts. Be that as it may, - Attends, je dois te critical quelque picked d'important  ». Pause, I need to reveal to you something significant. The tiret can likewise be utilized like brackets, to demonstrate or underscore a remark: Paul - mon meilleur ami - va arriver demain. Paul-my closest companion will show up tomorrow. Le Point-Virgule ; and Le Point dExclamation ! and Le Point dInterrogation ? The semi-colon, outcry point, and question mark are basically the equivalent in French and English. Je taime; maimes-tu? I love you; do you love me?Au secours! Help!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Healthcare Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Human services Communication - Essay Example Some of them additionally face an absence of appropriate consideration given by a social insurance proficient accordingly they look for some other nursing administrations at an exceptionally low cost.â€Å" As per Chronic Care in America [Institute for Health and Aging, University of California San Francisco for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation], â€Å"more that one portion of the United States has a constant condition. Out of those, 412 million were constrained in day by day exercises, and 12 million can't live independently†. [Strengthforcaring.com. 2006]. It this being the situation apparently the social insurance industry doesn't generally consider the required, or they basically work on a benefit based level. The vast majority of the changes brought out in the social insurance industry end up being helpful for the human services experts and specialist organizations rather for the individuals who are needing a medicinal services administration. For instance that electronic social insurance framework has gotten a few imaginative patterns giving a medicinal services administrations. Be that as it may, It is exceptionally valuable for the Physicians and social insurance administrations to keep up understanding subtleties and the treatment experienced by the patients. Prompt access to persistent information could keep up the records secretly and more protection and security can be normal from electronic social insurance administrations. The absence of money related improvement assumes a significant job in deciding the human services open door for an American resident. The assessment framework relies more upon the individual and buyer things thus individuals with a moderate salary and those without that battle to pay either for medicinal services or for protection. â€Å"Between 2000 and 2005, 7.2 million Americans lost their wellbeing inclusion as indicated by the US Census Bureau. Americans normally lose wellbeing inclusion when they lose their positions, or find a new line of work with a business that doesn't offer coverage,†watches. Favro. [2006]. The medicinal services framework appears to have become a benefit based one a more
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
You gotta have stuff
You gotta have stuff Im taking a break from my weekend of watching Lost episodes downloaded from iTunes and buying furniture for the new apartment to do a public service announcement on where to buy stuff for your future hypothetical dorm room. First, the website for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority is here and Google Maps is here. Learn to love these websites. I spent a great deal of the summer before my freshman year at MIT on the internet figuring out where my favorite stores and restaurants were, and how best to get there via public transportation. Public transportation stuff Public transportation in Boston is not as great as it is in, say, Washington, DC, but its good enough for you the college student. MIT is served by the Kendall Square stop on the Red Line, which is at the northeast corner of campus; other close stops are Hynes/ICA (right across the Charles River), Central (very close to Random Hall), and BU Central (across the BU bridge from the far west end of campus). The #1 bus stops at 77 Massachusetts Avenue and goes to Harvard Square in one direction and across the river to Dudley Station in the other. As an MIT student, youre eligible to purchase a discounted monthly T pass. If you dont ride the subway enough for this to be worthwhile, you can just pay each time each subway ride is $1.25 and each bus ride is $0.90. Notice: The T subway map is artistically rendered and does not actually reflect cartographic reality in Boston. Once freshman year, I had gotten my hair cut near Downtown Crossing and thought Id walk to Faneuil Hall for dinner. The two stops appear to be in a straight line from each other on the T map, so I figured Id be fine. Yeah, not so much. I ended up getting lost in Boston by myself at night, which is not really a great idea for a girl, all things considered. (I mean, Boston is generally a safe city. But its still not a good idea to wander around by yourself at night.) General stuff Theres a Target within walking distance of Andrew Station on the Red Line. (Actually, Adam and I found this Target last summer when we got lost on the way to the zoo. I get lost a lot.) If theres anything you need for your dorm room, Im almost positive you can find it at Target. Theres also a Bed, Bath Beyond right next to the Fenway Station on the Green Line D Branch. (This is not, incidentally, where you would go if you wanted to see a Sox game youd go to Kenmore Station.) So far as I know, there isnt a Walmart conveniently serviced by the T. Mall stuff The closest mall to campus is the Cambridgeside Galleria. The Galleria is serviced by a free shuttle to and from the Kendall Square T stop, which comes every 20 minutes. I almost always take the shuttle, because Im lazy, but the mall is definitely within walking distance of campus and its no problem to walk there. The Galleria has all of the clothing stores that I personally require, because I could live quite happily if every clothing store on earth except American Eagle, Victorias Secret, and Abercrombie and Fitch closed down. But it also has important stuff like a Best Buy, a CVS, and a Kay Jewelers (*hint to my boyfriend*). Prudential Center and Copley Place (which is connected to the Pru through a walkway) are slighty higher-end malls. These are not really malls which have anything practical, so Im only mentioning them for frivolous girls like myself who like to shop at Sephora, Jasmine Sola, and FCUK. And for frivolous girls like myself who like to window-shop at Tiffany. You can get to them on the Green Line, or you could take the #1 bus across the bridge and walk. The Boston East Saferide services the Pru as well. Or you could, you know, just walk. There are also a lot of free-standing stores on Newbury Street and in the area around Harvard Square. Food stuff Star Market is right behind Random and is a general supermarket. Prices can be kind of high, but I think thats true of most chain supermarkets. If you go at night, Cambridge West Saferide (the evening campus shuttle) goes right past it you can catch the shuttle and not have to carry your groceries home. Theres another Star Market between the Prudential Center and Copley Place malls. Another thing if you plan to buy a lot of groceries, you can do one of several things: steal a shopping cart (hey, Im not advocating it, just saying people do it), buy a small shopping cart or share the purchase with friends (they sell them at Star for ~$25), or suck it up and carry your groceries all the way home. My favorite is option #2. Adams favorite is anything but option #3, because I always make him carry the heavy bags. Trader Joes is more of a niche supermarket they carry a lot of private-label foods and I suppose are geared more toward people who want to eat healthy food. Its surprisingly cheap, considering how good (in both the delicious sense and the healthy sense) the food is. I would recommend it to anybody. Theres one right across from Prudential Center as well as another up Memorial Drive (go as far west on campus as you can on Memorial Drive, then keep going west for about a mile). Haymarket is the farmers market in the city on weekend mornings. You can get great deals on fruit, vegetables, bread, and meat (ie 5 pounds of potatoes for $1 that sort of thing) however, you can also get stuck with bug-infested or moldy produce. Try to go to the stalls that let you pick your own selection, and keep an eye out for the signs of older/rotting food. (I adore Haymarket. But I am also one of those people who really, really likes vegetables.) Laverdes is the grocery store in the student center. They have most of the stuff the average student needs on a day-to-day basis (and they take TechCash), but I wouldnt advise buying all your groceries from them if you plan to cook. They have a very convenient location for most MIT students, and their prices reflect this. As far as convenience stores go, theres also a 7-11 in Tech Square and MacGregor Convenience on the first floor of MacGregor. If you like to order food (and really, what college student doesnt?), I would suggest checking out Campusfood.com. Questions 1. Anonymous asked, If I got a 5 on the English Language AP exam but I just know that I wont get a 5 on the Lit, do I still count as having passed the FEE? To which another anonymous commenter replied Anonymous, yes, passing either will place you out of FEE. From this link: Communication Requirement A score of 5 on either the Language and Composition or Literature and Composition test is considered equivalent to passing the Freshman Essay Evaluation (FEE). If you have passed the FEE , you are still required to take a communication-intensive subject your first year as part of the Communication Requirement. You do, however, have a wider range of communication-intensive subjects to choose from than students who have not demonstrated competency in the FEE. Scores lower than 5 on either examination are not considered equivalent to passing the FEE. The FEE, for those who dont know, is the Freshman Essay Evaluation. Its not a huge deal, but if you fail it youre required to take a certain writing-intensive humanities class first semester. Again, I will stress that its not a huge deal. So dont start worrying yet. But as Anonymous #2 pointed out, a score of 5 on either AP Language or AP Lit will get you out of the FEE. (I got a 5 on AP Lit, so Ive never taken the FEE. Woot.) 3. A third anonymous commenter asked, Even though you are graduating this year is there a remote possibility that you may be present during freshman or international orientation? Theres more than just a remote chance. :) Actually, as Im sure it will bowl you over with joy to know, Adam and I are moving to Westgate in three weeks. Westgate is also known as W85. So not only will I be here for Orientation, I will be living on the MIT campus all year! Hooray! Everybodys welcome to come by the apartment and chat. Ill probably have cookies.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Great Gatsby - Eden Imagery Essay - 1023 Words
In the Great Gatsby, each character is longing for one particular paradise. Only one character actually reaches utopia, and the arrival is a mixed blessing at best. The concept of paradise in The Great Gatsby is a shifting, fleeting illusion of happiness, joy, love, and perfection, a mirage that leads each character to reach deeper, look harder, strive farther. There is Myrtle Wilsons gaudy, flashy hotel paradise in which she can pretend that she is glamorous, elite, wanted and loved. She clings fiercely enough to this ragged dream to brave the righteous anger of Tom Buchanan by voicing her jealous terror that he will return to his wife. There is a desperation to her full, spirited style of living, she wants so much to escape the grey,†¦show more content†¦Daisy and Tom are bereft of these dreams. Daisy at one point in the novel suddenly rebelled, realising that she did not love the man she was going to marry despite his rich gifts, and Jordan describes her struggle Tell em all Daisys change her mine. Say ‘Daisys change her mine! She began to cry -- she cried and cried . . . She wouldnt let go of the letter. She took it into the tub with her and squeezed it up into a wet ball and only let me leave it in the soap dish when she saw that it was coming to pieces like snow (page 83). Society in the form of Jordan Baker was there t o spread on more lies to cover the rough spots, to make the surface elegant and hope no one had depth enough to look beneath it. When Daisy marries Tom without so much as a shiver she becomes an empty person, who lives, but takes no joy in it. It could be said that she just exists. When Gatsby returns with all her old dreams in his hat and his glittery mansion across the bay, like some handsome prince come to rescue her, Daisy tries but cannot return to the time that Gatsby has been living in for the past five years. She has become the shell that Jordan fixed up and sent off to a wedding, one of the careless people that Nick describes her as. Tom and Jordan are careless and destructive because they never have anything to care about. For them, life has been money and bright lights,Show MoreRelated Biblical Allusions in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby1383 Words  | 6 Pages     The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald tells the story of a world lost to superficiality and greed. Falsehood and deception are the currency which fuels the characters in the novel. Dwelling in this fallen world, Fitzgerald has placed a fallen god. Gatsby is bathed in descriptions that identify him as the Son of God. 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Saturday, May 9, 2020
400-Meter Free Style Analysis Essay - 793 Words
In the poem â€Å"400-Meter Free Style†written by Maxine Kumin he uses many figurative languages and the form of the poem is very interesting. The format of the sentences symbolizes the laps on a swimming pool. They also symbolize how when you’re swimming at first it is smooth and fast but once you reach the curve of the pool, you slow down to turn around, then it smooth’s out again. Another symbolization that the sentences symbolize is that they are run on and you lose your breath when you’re reading it. Maxine is comparing the run on sentences to how the swimmer has to hold his breath without losing it when he swims. The form of the poem describes many things and really symbolizes the swimmer and what he has to go through to win his†¦show more content†¦The author used this certain type of diction because it shows again how experienced and well trained the swimmer is and how he has good techniques. The author also says that the swimmers feet know the drill which is personification again. This shows that the swimmer has done this so many times that it is just reaction and he doesn’t have to try and do it. The way he achieved this goal is by him practicing and practicing until he did it the right way without thinking. Competitive, this is the imagery that this poem is creating and the reason why the author did this is to show us how competitive this swimmer is. This swimmer is in a race and he wants to win, the author shows us that the swimmer was well trained and ready for this. The author uses many imagery in his poem and it lets us picture in our head what is going on. When you read the poem you picture everything, nothing is a blur and you know what exactly is going on in this poem. To me it was like watching the whole thing in my head while I was reading it, without the imagery the author put in I would understand a thing about what was going on. â€Å"He flips, converts, and is gone all in one. We watch him for signs. His arms are steady at the catch, his cadent feet tick in the stretch, they know the lesson well.†In these two sentences you can picture what is going on, and in these two sentences the author shows us again how good of technique this swimmerShow MoreRelatedThe Metrics Of English Literature4721 Words  | 19 Pagesyears of linguistics and literature experience will analyse several texts that belong to different stages of the English language and compare their ideas. Why may you ask? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Consumer Decision-Making Styles of Gen Y Consumers in Malaysia Free Essays
string(75) " likely to be confused when making purchases compared to female consumers\." Consumer Decision-Making Styles of Gen Y Consumers in Malaysia Introduction Market segmentation is a crucial element in marketing because goods can no longer be produced and sold without considering consumer needs and recognizing the characteristic of those needs. Due to the highly competitive environment nowadays, attracting and retaining enough loyal customers plays an important key role when developing business strategies. Therefore, business should understand and target consumer from different background and culture differently in order to effectively adapt their marketing strategies (Yeong Lovett, 2010). We will write a custom essay sample on Consumer Decision-Making Styles of Gen Y Consumers in Malaysia or any similar topic only for you Order Now In general, there are many demographic variables can be used to segment consumer market, for instance income, age, gender, ethnicity, marital status and household size. Among these variables, gender has been and continues to be one of the most popular forms of market segmentation for a significant proportion of product and services. According to marketing scholars (Meyers-Levy Sternthal, 1991; Darley Smith, 1995) argue that gender-based segmentation, especially if it is based on biological sex per se, meets several of the requirements for successful implementation: the segments were easy to identify, easy to access, and large enough for consumer products and services to be marketed profitably. In addition, there are many studies in the past also provided considerable evidence that gender relates to consumers’ perceptions, attitudes, preferences and purchase decisions(Mitchell Walsh, 2004; Bakewell Mitchell, 2006). Because gender has been identified as one of the significant factor in understanding consumer behavior and as a fundamental market segmentation index for companies to satisfy their customer’ demand, therefore marketer should endeavor to understand the gender differences in decision-making styles. In addition, research addressing the issue of gender differences in decision-making styles could help marketers to find better ways of communicating with both sexes and to guide marketing mix decisions (Mitchell Walsh, 2004). Literature Review According to Williams, Page, Petrosky and Hernandez (2010), Generation Y also is referred to as the Millenials or Echo Boomers. They were born during 1977-1994 and are in the 15-32 age range as of 2009. They are children of the original Baby Boomers and their numbers rival that of the Baby Boomers. They grew up in a time of immense and fast-paced change including virtually full-employment opportunities for women, dual-income households as the standard, and having computers at college and home. Moreover Gen Y consumers are more likely to complete their tasks online in just one click in making their decisions (Sengupta Titus, 2012). Starting in 2000, when the Millennials began attending college, they began to be studied by researchers and marketers to determine the generation’s overriding characteristics. Consumer decision? making styles can be defined â€Å"as mental orientations characterizing a consumer’s approach to making choices†(Sproles Kendall, 1986, p. 268). The aim of Sproles and Kendall (1986) was to provide a potentially useful instrument to assist marketers to better understand consumers’ decision-making styles in purchasing. As consequence, they developed the original 40? item Consumer Style Inventory (CSI) scale, which identified eight characteristics related to consumer decision? making styles. The CSI provides a quantitative instrument for classifying different consumer decision? making styles into distinct categories of shopping orientation. Through empirical research, Sproles and Kendall (1986) defined the following eight categories of decision -making styles namely: 1) perfectionism and high-quality conscious: Consumers carefully search for the best quality in product; 2) brand conscious and price equals quality: Consumer choose to buy more expensive, well known national brands, and believing that a higher price means better quality; 3) novelty and fashion-conscious: likes new and innovative products and gains excitement from seeking out new things; 4) recreational and hedonistic: finds shopping a pleasant activity and shop just for the fun of it; 5) price conscious and value for money: consumer which has high consciousness of sale price and likely to be comparison shoppers; 6) impulsive and careless: Consumer who do not plan their shopping and appear unconcerned about how much he or she spends; 7) confused by overchoice: These consumer are experiences information overload in the market due to perceiving too many brand s and stores and have difficulties making choices and 8) habitual and brand-loyal: These consumers select favorite brands and stores repeatedly overtime. Hiu, Siu, Wang and Chang (2001) revealed three prominent market segments through their study namely: 1. )Trendy, perfectionistic consumers: who frequent shopping and take it as an enjoyment. They are interested in high quality and fashionable items, read fashion magazines, watch various advertisements to gain trendy fashion information and tend to supportive with foreign brand which is high quality and fashionable styling. 2. ) Tradisional, pragmatic consumer: who do not view shopping as a enjoyment activity to them. They are price conscious, not interested in fashion styling and most probably choosing local brands. 3. Confused by overchoice: these consumers tend not to read magazines or advertisement on fashion, avoid exposure to too much information, and only purchase local brands which they are familiar. According to Bakewell an d Mitchell (2003), five meaningful and distinct decision-making groups were found in the study of decision-making styles of adult female Generation Y consumers in the UK: â€Å"recreational quality seekers†, â€Å"recreational discount seekers†, â€Å"trend setting loyals†, â€Å"shopping and fashion uninterested†and â€Å"confused time/money conserving†. In their later study on decision making styles of male consumers in the UK (Bakewell Mitchell, 2004), all of the original eight traits plus four new traits namely; store-loyal/low-price seeking, time-energy conserving, confused time restricted and store-promiscuity were identified. From their study it shows that the potential of the CSI for segmenting market as meaningful and different groups of male consumers with different decision making styles. Despite of previous studies which reported gender differences in decision-making styles of consumer, Mitchell and Walsh (2004) compared the decision-making styles of male and female shoppers in Germany. From the research, they managed to verify the construct validity of all eight CSI factors for female shopper and four of the factors for male shoppers. In consequence, they also concluded that male consumers were slightly less likely to be perfectionists, somewhat less novelty and fashion conscious, and less likely to be confused when making purchases compared to female consumers. You read "Consumer Decision-Making Styles of Gen Y Consumers in Malaysia" in category "Papers" Years after that, Bakewell and Mitchell (2006) undertook a similar study in the UK by using a sample of 480 male and female undergraduate students, they found that nine decision-making style were common to both genders. Through the study they had discovered three traits for male (store-loyal/low-price seeking, confused time-restricted and store-promiscuity) and three new traits for female traits (bargain seeking, imperfectionism and store loyal). There are few studies recently which had attempted to thoroughly explore the antecedent and consequences of consumer decision-making styles. Ghodeswar (2007) found that that seven out of eight dimensions of consumer decision-making style proposed by Sproles and Kendall (1986) in his study of consumer decision-making styles among Indian students. The only style which was not confirmed in his data is â€Å"price consciousness/ value for money consumer†. Gupta, Brantley Jackson (2010) found that consumers Generation Y at Midwestern University tend to be brands store loyal when they are buying high involvement product. Kambiz Fereshteh (2011) found that husband and wife have divergent decision-making styles and their family structure as a social-structural variable can be influenced by the decision-making styles of family members which is related to their purchasing behavior. Lastly, it is believed that male and female consumer in Malaysia may also have certain distinctive characteristic in decision-making during shopping and purchasing. But those characteristic could be have equal interest to both researchers and marketing practitioners. Hence, this paper will fill the gap by focusing on the differences in decision-making styles on gender in the Malaysia context. Methodology According to the past study, most of the researchers prepared a structured questionnaire based on literature review and objectives of the study. Consumers decision-making were measured using the 40-items of Consumer Style Inventory (CSI), developed by Sproles and Kendall (1986). All scales were measured on a 5-point Likert-type scales ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The reliabilities of the CSI scale, according to Sproles and Kendall (1986), ranged from 0. 48 to 0. 76. The scales items were translated into Malay language with minor changes in wording to clarify the meaning. In addition, some demographic questions were included in the questionnaire. And most of the questionnaire was self-administered to non-probability sample of male and female undergraduate students in Malaysia. Finding and Analysis Common Factors for both Male and Female According to the research study of Safiek and Hayatul (2009) in Malaysia, the decision-making of Malaysian young consumer for both gender have similarities namely: 1. ) Quality consciously: meaning that they prefer to buy more durable and quality product. 2. ) Brand consciously: it shows that they set high standards and have high expectations for the products they buy. Moreover they choose to buy the product which is heavily advertised and well-know national brands. 3. ) Fashion consciousness: this shows that both genders are seem to gain pleasure from seeking out new things and keep up-to date with fashionable attractive styles. 4. ) Confused by overchoice: This factor shows that they feel over-loaded with the information on various brands products and find it very hard to choose the best product during shopping. 5. ) Satisfying and value seeking: concluded that if both items were identical in both sample, they will carefully find the best value for money product to be purchased which is also satisfied their needs. Male Factors Again from the study of Safiek and Hayatul (2009), there are two factors found for males namely brand loyalty and time-energy conserving. For brand loyalty, male consumers score higher than female consumers on this factor because they tend to have favorite brands and will use these habitually. Next, time-energy conserving which was not found in females but it characterizes males who often save energy by making their shopping trips as fast as possible in the same stores. Moreover, males have the perception that going shopping is a waste of time and they don’t give their purchases much thought. In overall, both of these results show the similarity with previous researchers, Bakewell and Michell (2006) in the UK. Female factors From the study of Safiek and Hayatul (2009) research, it shows that there are three female factors found namely price consciousness, recreational and shopping avoidance. Female consumers scored higher than male consumers on price consciousness shows that female are more aware of the sale prices and more often choose to purchase lower price products. Next, female shoppers are more particular on recreational or pleasant shopping activity compared to male shoppers. And this factor is consistent with Mitchell and Walsh’s (2004) and Bakewell and Mitchell’s (2006) which characterization of a recreational consumer. The last factor is shopping avoidance which is very exclusive to female consumers and posed an opposite trait of recreational. However the high scored shows that if the shopping is unpleasant, female shoppers will tend to shop as quickly by purchasing the first brands or product that seem to be good enough. Conclusion In conclusion, through the research of consumer decision making styles, it offers a great opportunity to understand the characteristic or style of consumer towards their shopping behavior. And this consumer style inventory provides a fundamental for consumer decision making styles and has practical application advantages for marketers in their marketing strategic. However this study has a limitation because it only covered a specific segment of young adult in an local university in Malaysia. For future recommendation, there is a need to study these decision making styles among the larger population across different segment in order to get better converge of Malaysia young consumers. References Sproles, G. Kendall, E. (1986). A Methodology for Profiling Consumers’ Decision-Making Styles, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 20 (2), pp. 267-279 Mitchell, V. , Walsh, G. (2004). Gender Differences in German Consumer Decision-Making styles. Journal of Consumer Behavior, 3(4), 331-346 Bakewell, C. Mitchell, V. W. (2003) Generation Y Female Consumer Decision-Making styles. International Journal of Retail Distribution Management, 31(2), 95-106. Bakewell, C. Mitchell, V. W. (2006). Male versus Female Consumer Decision Making. Journal of Business Research, 59, 1297-1300. Hiu, A. S. Y. , Siu, N. Y. M. , Wang, C. C. L. Chang, L. M. K. (2001). An Investigation of Decision-Making Styles of Consumers in China. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 35 (2), 326-345. Safiek, M. Hayatul, S. S. (2009). Consumer Decision-Making Styles in Malaysia: An Exploratory Study of Gender Differences. European Journal of Social Sciences – Volume 10, Number 4 Safiek, M. (2009). An Investigation of Consumer Decision-Making Styles of Young-Adults in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Management. Vol. 4, No. 4 Darley, W. K. Smith, R. E (1995). Gender Differences in Information Processing Strategies: An Empirical Test of the Selectivity Model in Advertising Response. Journal of Advertising, 24(1), 41-59. Meyer-Levy, J. Sternthal, B. (1991). Gender Differences in the Use of Message Cues and Judgments. Journal of Marketing Research, 29 (1), 84-96. Kaylene C. Williams, K. C. , Page, R. A, Petrosky, A. R. Hernandez, E. H. (2010). Multi-Generational Marketing: Descriptions, Characteristics, Lifestyles, and Attitudes. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, Vol. 11(2) Sengupta, D. Titus, R. (2012). Evaluating Environmental Variables to assess Exhibited Behaviour: A Study of Gen Y. International Conference on Technology and Business Management Yeong, N. C. Lovet, M. G. (2010). Consumer Decision-Making Styles of Hispanic American College Students: A Consumer Styles Inventory Approach. American Journal of Business Research, Vol. 3, No 2 Ghodeswar B. M. (2007), â€Å"Consumer Decision-Making Styles Among Indian Students†, Alliance Journal of Business Research, Vol. 3, Spring 2007, pp. 36-48. Gupta, M. , Brantley, A. , Jackson, V. P. (2010). Product Involvement as a Predictor of Generation Y Consumer Decision Making Styles. The Business Review, Cambridge, Vol. 14, Num. 2 Kambiz, H. H. Fereshteh, L. (2011). Influence of Family Structure on Consumer Decision-making Style in Iran. International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 6, No. 11; November 2011 How to cite Consumer Decision-Making Styles of Gen Y Consumers in Malaysia, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
mr Essays (607 words) - Evaluation Methods, Research Methods
Law enforcement interview methods are completely different from and perhaps even opposite of a law enforcements interrogation method. There are no similarities between law enforcements interview method and law enforcement's interrogation method. Law enforcements interview method is normally directed at a person who they believe can provide them information about a particular case they are working on. Law enforcement normally once to gain the confidence of the interviewee so that they will provide them the information they are seeking. Law enforcement may conduct an interview almost any place they desire to conduct an interview. Most often law enforcement prefers to interview a person at the police station in a interview room. An interview room is normally a room that has a friendly appearance although is simple and consist of nothing more than a table and a few chairs. The location is normally quiet and away from noise, disturbances or traffic. This is normally because law enforcement wants to be able to concentrate on listening to the interviewee. Interviewing a person by law enforcement normally consist of listening carefully to the interviewee, what they have to say, how they say it and law enforcement prefers to take thorough notes. At times law enforcement may use different types of materials relating to the interview to perhaps encourage the interviewee's memory. It is important for the interviewer to gain confidence and even an apparent friendship with the interviewee to make the interviewee comfortable and trusting of the interviewer. Trust is what the interviewer is attempting to gain from the interviewee. Law enforcements interrogation methods target suspect of a case they are working on. The suspect is viewed as an advisory. Law enforcement brings the suspect to the police station for interrogation to provide them control of the interrogation process. Normally the suspect is place in a room that has been prepared for interrogation purposes. The rooms may be viewed as sterile. The room is in a neutral color, a few plane chairs and a table. The room is located in a place to avoid interruptions such as phone calls or uninvited visits. The interrogator normally puts the suspect in a chair placed agents the wall or in the corner of the room closest to the table. This makes the suspect feel trapped or cornered. Law enforcement is inclined to direct questions to the suspect and not answer question from the suspect. Control of the subject matter and the information is a motive the interrogator desires at all times. The interrogator wants the suspect to feel intimidated, unsure of themselv es and nerves. Answers are given up by a suspect easier when they are nerves and not thinking clearly. The interrogator may put materials in the interrogation room for the suspect?s observation that may have the appearance of proof of the suspect?s guilt. The interrogator may even lie to the suspect or provide them falls information. Interrogating a suspect is all about gaining a confession or information to further prosecute the suspect. As stated earlier, there is no similarity between law enforcements? interview or interrogation methods or motives. Law enforcement may not ask a suspect that is in custody questions other than their name, address and date of birth prior to giving them their Miranda Warning as a US citizen. Custody is when a person or authority takes immediate charge over another person or persons. This may apply to a law enforcements suspect put into custody and detained. Reference Karen M. Hess
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